In celebration of the release of George R.R. Martin’s The Ice Dragon this week, we are looking at some of the most fearsome and fantastic dragons in fantasy. Today’s dragon comes from Harry Potter and is one of Hagrid’s many wild and possibly very dangerous ‘pets’.

Perhaps the most adorable submission for our Twelve Dragons of Christmas, Norberta is a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon who originally features in J. K. Rowling’s first novel in the Harry Potter series: Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone.
Won by Rubeus Hagrid as an egg in a card game, Noberta’s life started off in secrecy as dragon breeding was outlawed in 1709. Believed to be male at first, Norberta remained in Hagrid’s hut, living on a delicious mixture of chicken’s blood and brandy, but became more tempestuous and violent in nature before biting Ron’s hand and being spotted by Draco Malfoy. Consequently, Hagrid was forced to send Norberta to Romania to be cared for by Ron’s dragon keeper, Charlie, who revealed Norberta’s true status as female as apparently they are far more violent than the males!
Despite his ferocious nature, who could resist a baby dragon who coughs out little spurts of fire? Not Hagrid:
Hagrid: “I’ve decided to call him Norbert. He really knows me now, watch. Norbert! Norbert! Where’s Mummy?”
Ron: “He’s lost his marbles.“