Jane Johnson

Jane Johnson Recommends…

Looking for a new book or series to get stuck into? Here are two titles our publishing director thinks you’ll enjoy… Neverness by David Zindell A stunning epic by a mathematician who writes like a poet, this wonderful book remains my all-time favourite science fiction novel. In… Read More

Jane Johnson on Mark Lawrence’s The Broken Empire

I remember the moment I started reading Mark Lawrence work with absolute clarity. Coming upon something extraordinary will do that to you –a song heard for the first time, a view glimpsed through trees, an expression on a lover’s face. I was sitting at my desk… Read More

George R.R. Martin in conversation with Jane Johnson

Last night at the Bloomsbury Theatre in London, 500 George R.R. Martin fans had the opportunity to listen to the man himself in conversation with his UK editor (and Voyager Publishing Director, and successful author in her own right) Jane Johnson. Tickets were sold through… Read More

EasterCon – Eat, Drink and talk SFF!

This weekend was Eastercon – and the Voyager team was there in full force! It was one of the biggest Eastercons to date, with over 1400 people in attendance! Two of our authors were there as Guests of Honour: George R.R. Martin and Cory Doctorow. For those who have never… Read More