Robots and Empire

By Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asmiov’s classic novel about the decline and fall of Solaria.

Gladia Delmarre’s homeworld, the Spacer planet Solaria, has been abandoned – by its human population. Countless robots remain there. And when traders from Settler worlds attempt to salvage them, the robots of Solaria turn to killing…in defiance of the Three Laws of Robotics.

Pax Robotica

Long ago, Gladia’s robots Daneel and Giskard played a vital role in opening the worlds beyond the Solar system to Settlers from Earth. Now the conscience-stricken robots are faced with an even greater challenge. Either the sacred Three Laws of Robotics are in ruins – or a new, superior Law must be established to bring peace to the galaxy. With Madam Gladia and D.G. Baley – the captain of the Settler traders and a descendant of the robots’ friend Elijah Baley – Daneel and Giskard travel to the robot stronghold of Solaria…where they uncover a sinister Spacer plot to destroy Earth itself.

Format: Paperback (A Format)
Release Date: 10 Jan 1994
Pages: 512
ISBN: 978-0-586-06200-5
Isaac Asimov was born in 1920 in Russia and was brought to the USA by his parents three years later. He grew up in Brooklyn and attended Columbia University. After a short spell in the army, he gained a doctorate and worked in academia and chemical research.Asimov’s career as a science fiction writer began in 1939 with the short story ‘Marooned Off Vesta’. Thereafter he became a regular contributor to the leading SF magazines of the day. Asimov wrote hundreds of short stories and novels, including the iconic I, Robot and Foundation. He won the Hugo Award four times and the Nebula Award once.Apart from his world-famous science fiction, Asimov also wrote highly successful detective mystery stories, a four-volume History of North America, a two-volume Guide to the Bible, a biographical dictionary, encyclopaedias, and textbooks, as well as two volumes of autobiography.Asimov died in 1992 at the age of 72.

‘Isaac Asimov was one of the great explainers of the age…It will never be known how many practicing scientists today, in how many countries, owe their initial inspiration to a book, article, or short story by Isaac Asimov’Carl Sagan -

‘Asimov displayed one of the most dynamic imaginations in science fiction’Daily Telegraph -

‘Asimov’s career was one of the most formidable in science fiction’The Times -