Jack Colman

#VirtualVoyager Q&A: Jack Colman

They say there are a certain set of questions to help you really get to know a person. With that in mind, we’ve applied this to our wonderful digital-first authors and, more specifically, their books and asked them five vital questions to get better acquainted. Welcome, Jack Colman and THE… Read More

Introducing Jack Colman, author of THE RULE

In October 2012, HarperVoyager signed 15 full-length novels from mostly unagented writers, gathered in a two-week open submissions process. Jack Colman’s THE RULE was one of these novels, a gripping Viking-style fantasy set in the uncompromising town of Helvik. Here, as part of our… Read More

Cover reveal: Jack Colman’s THE RULE

Jack Colman’s incredibly rich, Viking-esque historical fantasy THE RULE is being released as a lovely ebook on March 26th and we’re thrilled to be able to reveal the cover. This is an excellent debut that we can’t wait for you to read. If you like your fantasy brutal and your lead characters real and raw, you’re in… Read More