The Prey Series - The Prey (The Prey Series, Book 1)

By Tom Isbell

In the Republic of the True America, it’s always hunting season. Riveting action, intense romance, and gripping emotion make this fast-paced adventure a standout debut.

After a radiation blast burned most of the Earth to a crisp, the new government established settlement camps for the survivors. At one such camp, Book and the other ‘LTs’ are eager to graduate as part of the Rite.

Until they learn the dark truth: ‘LTs’ doesn’t stand for lieutenant but for ‘Less Thans’, feared by society and raised to be hunted for sport. Together with the sisters, Hope and Faith, twin girls who’ve suffered their own haunting fate, they join forces to seek the safety of the fabled New Territory.

As Book and Hope lead their quest for freedom, these teens must find the best in themselves to fight the worst in their enemies. But as they are pursued by sadistic hunters, secrets are revealed, allegiances are made, and lives are threatened.

Author: Tom Isbell
Format: Paperback
Ageband: from 13
Release Date: 12 Mar 2015
Pages: 416
ISBN: 978-0-00-752818-9
A graduate of the Yale School of Drama and the University of Illinois, Tom Isbell spent his professional career acting in theatre, film and TV. He has written and performed three one-person plays and taken two productions to the Kennedy Center as part of the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival. He is the former National Playwriting Program chair for Region V of KCACTF.An associate professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth, he was recently named the Albert Tezla Scholar/Teacher of the Year, as well as a Horace T. Morse Distinguished Teacher, the highest undergraduate teaching honor given within the University of Minnesota. He is happily married to Pat Isbell, who is both an actress and elementary school teacher.

”'Plays to its strong suits, with plenty of peril (human and otherwise) . . . will keep readers rooting for Book and Hope” - Publishers Weekly

‘Dystopian fans will anxiously await the next instalment’Library School Journal -

‘An exciting concept’Kirkus Reviews -