This Alien Shore
A thrilling space opera celebrated as one of science fiction’s most profound explorations of diversity, THIS ALIEN SHORE is a modern classic of the genre.
Jamisia, a young girl protected by biological brain-ware and troubled by multiple voices in her head, flees her comfortable life on a satellite when corporate raiders destroy the entire colony. To her horror, she learns that they were looking for her.
Launched into the intrigues of the mysterious Gueran guild, mutant star-pilots who have a stranglehold on galactic commerce, Jamisia is desperate to avoid capture, and must form uncertain alliances with exotic strangers. Yet, as a rogue computer virus wreaks havoc across the galaxies it seems that humanity’s future rests in her hands: but first she must unlock the deadly secret hidden inside her head.
Against the rich and compelling backdrop of this epic story the author has succeeded in creating a truly unique character in Jamisia and placed her in a novel of fantastic diversity, and breathtaking possibility.
”'A cross between cyberpunk and Star Wars, it is likely to hold readers’interest tenaciously” - Publishers Weekly
”'Very highly recommended” - SF Review
”'One of my favourite writers” - Amanda Foreman (author of GEORGIANA) - a surprise fan!