In celebration of the release of George R.R. Martin’s The Ice Dragon earlier this week, we are looking at some of the most fearsome and fantastic dragons in fantasy. Today’s dragon comes from Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series: Iskierka.

A Kazilik in service to Britain, Iskierka hatches en route to Britain while Temeraire and the crew are fleeing following the rout of the Prussian army. High-tempered and ready to fight from birth (iskierka means sparkle in Polish). John Granby becomes her companion, although notably she names herself. She frequently argues with Temeraire, especially over the fact she isn’t allowed into battles yet. Becomes a main figure in protecting the English coast, seizing many ships as prizes. Follows Temeraire to Australia (or is trying to) after Laurence and Temeraire are sentenced to transportation, taking Granby with her.